Severin Begins 2nd Term as 117th District State Rep.

Springfield….On Wednesday, State Representative Dave Severin and 117 other members of the Illinois House of Representatives were sworn in to serve as members of the 101st General Assembly. As he begins a 2nd term as State Representative, Severin said he is both optimistic and focused ahead of starting the upcoming Session.

“Today I was proud to join with my colleagues and raise my hand to swear to protect and defend the Constitutions of the State of Illinois and the United States of America,” Severin said. “I am honored to have the opportunity to serve the people of Southern Illinois in Springfield. I am hopeful concerning the new administration coming in and I am optimistic for our State, as we turn a page and begin anew.”

Severin was re-elected in the November 2018 election to a 2nd term. The 117th district includes all of Williamson and Franklin Counties and some parts of Hamilton County.

“I want to thank all the people of the 117th district for entrusting me with this responsibility for a 2nd time, and I want to make it clear that I will be focused on a legislative agenda that stops outmigration, expands our economy, and balances our obligations with our abilities,” Severin said. “I believe the incoming Governor has been rightly focused on striking a bipartisan tone and I hope he realizes that the problems we had when Governor Rauner was in office are largely still the same now. We must deal with high property taxes, our massive debt, and find ways to responsibly trim back the size of government while still providing critical services. It is a tough job, and it is impossible to do alone, so there will have to be reasonable people on both sides of the aisle that are willing to work together to get results for Illinois’ citizens.”

“Our state can no longer be a runaway train when it comes to spending and debt. We also cannot tax our way into greatness or prosperity,” Severin said. “I have said it before and it bears repeating. We don’t need more taxes in Illinois, we need more taxpayers.”