Dear Friend,
This week I want to take a moment to thank Glenn and Jo Poshard for their ongoing efforts to raise awareness of child abuse prevention. In addition to several busy days on the House floor, I was able to make it to some great events in Southern Illinois, and the kickoff event for child abuse prevention month with the Poshard’s was an uplifting event. I truly want to praise Glenn and Jo for their contributions on behalf of our most vulnerable children.

McLeansboro Town Hall Meeting
I want to thank the more than 150 residents of Hamilton County for attending a joint Town Hall meeting with Senator Fowler, Rep. Windhorst, and myself at the Hamilton County Jr./Sr. High School on Monday April 1st. Thank you to the administration, the maintenance, and technical crews that worked hard to make the event a great success.

How to File a Witness Slip Online – Have your voice heard!

Quick Snaps – Crab Orchard Students and Electric Coop Students Visit Springfield and More Photos for Child Abuse Prevention Month