Dear Friend,
I want to take a moment to talk about the greatness of the people of Southern Illinois, their love of our country, and the outpouring of respect I witness this week for our soldiers, police and firefighters, and first responders.
On Wednesday September 11, 2019, America marked 18 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Many of us remember where we were on that day and how we felt as terrorism took over our televisions.
9/11 changed America forever, and many of us vowed that we would never forget that day and the more than 3,000 Americans who lost their lives.
Dave and the Unity Christian school kids commemorate Patriot’s Day
To help educate young people as to the significance of 9/11, I was proud to take part in a special commemorative event at Unity Christian School in Energy. I shared a very special story with the students that I have been sharing with folks since the week of the 9/11/2001 attacks.
That story involves me, a request for United States flags, and some very eerie coincidences. My good friend Jim Muir, the current Franklin County Circuit Clerk, and former editorialist for The Southern Illinoisan, shared the story via his social media page this week. Here is the story:
Eerie September 11 message … from 31 years ago by Jim Muir
BENTON–There are things that happen in life, even though hard to explain, that can be passed off as coincidence. And then there are other things, regardless of how much a person tries to reason, that simply have no explanation. Such was the case recently in Benton when a simple phone call produced a chain of events that could only be described as eerie.
The odyssey began Thursday when Benton High School athletic director Don Smith contacted Benton businessman David Severin looking for 40 small flags to place at Tabor Field for Friday night’s football game, as a way to honor and remember the terrorist attack in New York earlier this week.
Severin explained to Smith that he also had been trying to locate flags for his store, All Stars n’ Stitches, that’s located on the Benton square. Severin told Smith, in the aftermath of what had taken place in New York City and Washington D.C., everybody was sold out of flags.
Approximately 30 minutes after the phone call Severin received another call, this time from his mother.
“The first thing she asked me was if I knew anybody that might be looking for some flags,” Severin said. “I asked her how many flags she had and she said 40.”
Severin explained that his mother had been going through the personal belongings of his father, the Rev. George Severin, who passed away two months ago, and came upon the flags that had never been unwrapped.
Severin immediately traveled to his mother’s home and what he saw, in his words, gave him “goose bumps.”
“My dad loved to decorate with flags so it wasn’t uncommon that he’d ordered them,” Severin said. “But when I looked at the sales ticket I noticed that he had ordered the flags more than 30 years ago.”
The flags were shipped, Severin said, from New York City on Sept. 11, 1970 – exactly 31 years to the day that New York City was attacked by terrorists.
“Totally unbelievable,” Severin said. “When I saw the date and where the flags were shipped from … I couldn’t believe it – what’s the chances?”
And if that’s not enough for any skeptics in the audience who want to say ‘merely a coincidence’ there’s one final piece to this puzzle. According to the sales ticket the flags were shipped to the house where the Rev. George Severin lived in 1970 – the address is 337 South Main Street in Benton — which happens to be the same house where Don Smith, the person that made the original phone call about the flags, currently lives.”
Benton Honors Fallen Hometown Hero Brandon Pinson at Home Football Game Friday Night – Governor offers Proclamation, Rep. Severin Files Resolution
On Friday night at Huber Tabor field, the Benton Rangers football team, band, and cheerleaders joined the Benton Fire Department, Police Department, and first responders to honor the life and sacrifice of former Benton Ranger and fallen hero Brandon Pinson. Brandon was a Benton native, a husband, father, US Army veteran, and civilian employee of the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action, a humanitarian, nongovernmental organization that aims to clear explosives that threaten civilian populations in war-stricken countries.

Fire, Police, emergency management and first responders honored the life and sacrifice
of Brandon Pinson on Friday night prior to the Benton Rangers football game.

I have also filed a House Resolution – HR 514 – that I will present for passage in the 2019 Veto Session that honors Brandon Pinson’s life and ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace, and thank you for your dedication, commitment, and sacrifice in defense of the United States of America and peace loving people everywhere. May God Bless the Pinson family in this time of loss and grief.
Meetings and Visits in the 117th District
Southern Illinois Bank celebrates 20 year anniversary!
Certificate presentation to Southern IL Bank officials. Taking care of the cook!
2nd Annual Little Boys Big Toys Event in Johnston City
Carolyn and Larry Manker Celebrate 60 Year Wedding Anniversary!

911 Coordinators Meet with Southern IL Legislators
It was my honor to host local Southern Illinois county 911 coordinators at my office in Marion. Senator Fowler and Representatives Bryant and Windhorst were also in attendance. We heard their concerns and will bring our ideas to help 911 stay viable and reliable in the coming Veto Session and regular spring Session.
Stay Connected!
My office in Marion is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can call any time at 618-440-5090 or email me at