Severin Rejects Lame Duck Session Gun Control Bill

SPRINGFIELD – State Rep. Dave Severin (R-Benton) released the following statement on Thursday after voting against SB 2226, the most restrictive gun control legislation introduced in Springfield in years.

“Illinois Democrats were back for a Lame Duck Session attempt to pass an unconstitutional, overreaching gun control bill.

“This so-called assault weapons ban would prevent law-abiding citizens from accessing and using dozens of commonly used firearms that people use to protect themselves, their families, and their property, as well as hunt, target shoot and competition shoot. 

“Unconstitutional gun bans like this do nothing to take illegal guns off of the street. Unconstitutional gun bans like this do nothing to improve public safety. Throughout December 2022, 2nd Amendment supporters turned out in force to submit more than 21,000 slips in opposition to the original HB 5855. I am thankful to my constituents for reaching out to me to express their ardent opposition to this bill, and look forward to the bill being found unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court if in fact the bill passes the Senate and is signed by Governor Pritzker.”
