Severin Applauds Decision to Stop Law Targeting Crisis Pregnancy Centers

BENTON – On Thursday, an Illinois Northern District US Judge temporarily halted the implementation of a recently signed law that targets crisis pregnancy centers with stiff financial penalties for distributing alleged “misinformation”. State Rep. Dave Severin voted no on SB 1909 (now Public Act 103-0270) in May, citing the unconstitutional nature of the bill that limits free speech and harms crisis pregnancy centers’ ability to serve women wishing to carry their pregnancy to full term.

“Illinois is home to the most radical pro-abortion laws in the country, even allowing for taxpayer funded abortions up to the final month of pregnancy. But, that’s not enough for the radical pro-abortion agenda supported by Illinois Democrats. The law they passed against my strong objection opens crisis pregnancy centers throughout the state with $50,000 per-infraction fines for distributing “misinformation” as determined on case-by-case basis by the Illinois Attorney General.

“The decision by the US Northern District judge to halt the implementation of this dangerous and unconstitutional law is the correct decision. As a 100% pro-life legislator, I stand with our crisis pregnancy centers and stand against the pro-abortion agenda.”