MT. VERNON, IL – State Representative Dave Severin announced the donation of dozens of backpacks filled with emergency supplies and necessities to the Amy Schulz Center in Mt. Vernon. The donation comes after dozens of citizens donated the backpacks and supplies for Severin’s “Backpacks for Buddies” program. Severin says he has run the donation program for several years to benefit children placed in emergency foster care.
“I first started this program after meeting with representatives of Caritas in the Marion area a few years ago when I represented Williamson County,” Severin said. “What I learned was that many children who are taken from their parents by DCFS often do not have a personal possession they can take with them when they are placed into emergency foster care. I was saddened to hear that often times these children must take any personal possessions with them in a large black garbage bag. That broke my heart, and I thought there had to be a better way. So far, we have been blessed by donations that count in the hundreds, and I am glad to continue to provide backpacks to these children through my “Backpacks for Buddies” program.”
If you are interested in donating to Rep. Severin’s “Backpacks for Buddies” drive, you can drop off backpacks or supplies Monday through Friday at Rep. Severin’s Mt. Vernon or Benton office. Rep. Severin’s Benton office is located at 303 N. Main Street, Benton, IL 62812. The Benton office phone number is 618-440-5090. Rep. Severin’s Mt. Vernon office is located at 2929 Broadway, Suite 3, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 and can be reached by phone at 618-472-8158.