Severin Named to Key House Committees, Appointed Spokesperson on Energy & Environment and Higher Education Appropriations

SPRINGFIELD, IL – State Representative Dave Severin (R-Benton) announced this week that he has received several key committee appointments for the 104th General Assembly. Severin will serve as a regular member of the House Mental Health & Addiction Committee, Restorative Justice & Public Safety Committee, Transportation Regulation Roads and Bridges Committee, and will serve as the Republican ranking member of the following Committees: House Higher Education Appropriations, Energy & Environment, and Immigration & Human Rights.

“I am grateful to be appointed to serve on several committees that will consider legislation that will have a great impact on the people of Illinois,” Severin said. “I care deeply about the issue of energy independence and plan to continue my opposition to Illinois’ lurch away from using our natural resources to provide our citizens with abundant, reliable, and affordable energy. I am also pleased to serve as the Republican Spokesperson on the House’s Immigration & Human Rights Committee. I plan to stand strong against further attempts by the Democrat supermajority and Governor Pritzker to expand disastrous sanctuary state policies. The election of President Trump sent a clear message that the people of the United States are fed up with illegal immigration. As the ranking Republican member on the Immigration & Human Rights Committee, I will be a strong voice supporting the actions of the Trump administration to deport dangerous illegal migrant criminals from our state.”

Severin says as a member of the House Restorative Justice Committee that he will stand against further attempts to weaken law and order in the state. 

“The SAFE-T Act contains many problematic provisions that I think make Illinoisans less safe,” Severin said. “In my position on the Restorative Justice Committee, I plan to vote to back our police officers and put the rights of victims of crime over the rights of criminals.”

Severin is serving his 5th term as State Representative. He operates two full-time district offices in Benton and Mount Vernon. Severin can be reached by phone at (618) 440-5090 or by email at