Severin: Homeschool Regulations Bill Amounts to Outrageous Government Overreach, Launches Petition to Protect Homeschool Freedom

BENTON, IL – State Representative Dave Severin has released the following statement in response to the filing of HB 2827 by three far-left Democrat legislators who are working to place new burdensome regulations on families who choose to homeschool their children.

“My immediate reaction to reading through the sweeping new regulations on homeschool families is this: NO. I believe firmly that homeschooled children are largely well-cared for, prepared, and ready to enter college or the workforce, as their families have invested thousands of hours, and years of hard work in providing a quality, non-public school education for their children. This legislation wrongly presupposes that homeschool families are inherently abusive and neglectful of their children. That is wrong.”

“The provisions of HB 2827 place the heavy hand of state government on the families that are working hard to provide their children with a safe and productive learning environment. If legislators on the Democrat side of the aisle want to reform education in the state of Illinois, they should start with their own Illinois State Board of Education and the multitude of onerous unfunded mandates placed on public schools that force teachers to spend time checking bureaucratic boxes rather than teaching our students to read, write, and do math at grade level. I will be voting NO on this ridiculous overreaching homeschool regulation bill and would urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to reject this outrageous overreach and expansion of government into the lives of homeschool families.”



Stop the Illinois Democrats ATTACK on homeschool families. Join me in sending a message to Springfield that intrusive mandates and punitive measures for families making the choice to homeschool must be stopped. Parents deserve the right to make their own decisions regarding their children’s education. This is just another attempt by big government to expand their power and influence over your parental rights. Please make your voice heard by signing the petition below to end the attacks on Illinois families’ choices about how their children are raised and educated.