Dear Friend,
This week is known in Springfield as Committee Deadline week. As part of my ongoing effort to keep you informed as legislation moves, I want to invite you to visit the Illinois General Assembly’s website at to check on the status of legislation or to contact your legislators and legislative leaders. You can also visit to file witness slips in support or opposition to bills that matter to you.
At the bottom of this week’s Severin Says, I provide a bit of a civics lesson regarding how legislation will likely continue to proceed as the House continues its business.
Also ahead in this week’s edition of Severin Says:
– Mount Vernon High School Town Hall meeting recap
– Town hall meeting with Senator Fowler and Representative Windhorst happening in McLeansboro on Monday, April 1st
– Severin sponsored legislation aimed at saving school districts money clears committee with unanimous support
– 2nd Amendment supporters descend on Springfield by the thousands for Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD)
– Quick photos: Visitors to Springfield
Mount Vernon Town Hall Meeting Recap
In case you missed it, this past Monday I joined State Senator Paul Schimpf and State Representative Terri Bryant at Mount Vernon Township High School for a Town Hall meeting and legislative update. Thank you to the administration for their hospitality, and for allowing us to use the BEAUTIFUL Schweinfurth Theatre.
80 citizens showed up to ask questions of their legislators. Rep. Terri Bryant and Paul Schimpf were on hand to answer questions as well.
Around 80 residents were on hand from Mount Vernon and Jefferson County to have their voices heard. WSIL TV provided excellent coverage of the event.
You can watch the entire story by clicking here. Thanks to WSIL reporter Emily Manley for her work to cover the story and go in depth with audience members.
McLeansboro Town Hall Meeting – Monday April 1, 2019 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
This Monday April 1, I will join State Rep. Dave Severin and State Senator Dale Fowler for a Town Hall meeting at the Hamilton County High School in McLeansboro on Monday, April 1st from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. We’ll be discussing firearm legislation, the Governor’s proposed tax increases and overall budget, and economic development in Southern Illinois. More info below.

Press Release: Severin Scores Unanimous Committee Victory on School Savings Bill

Springfield….Since taking office, State Rep. Dave Severin (R-Benton) has diligently pursued relief for Illinois’ public school districts when it comes to financial reporting requirements. Severin’s HB 2485, filed during the current General Assembly, is his second attempt to provide relief to cash strapped school districts that are currently required to post their financial state of affairs in paper ads in print publications.
“Schools are just now starting to climb out of the financial damage that was done by the budget impasse,” Severin said. “This is a cost saving measure and a taxpayer friendly proposal. Why should a school be forced by law to provide their financial state of affairs in an ad in the newspaper when they could post the same information word for word on the internet and in public view in the schools? I’m a former school board member and president and I am very familiar with how tight budgets are both for local schools and for the State of Illinois.
In Springfield, this week is known as ‘Committee deadline’ week. Representatives have until Friday to move priority bills or substantial legislative measures on to the House floor for a vote. Having earned unanimous approval from the House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee (8-0), HB 2485 moves to the full House for consideration.
How Remaining House Bills Might Still Pass After Committee Deadline
Here’s a quick, two-paragraph tutorial on how you can keep track of legislation that’s still pending as the 101st General Assembly Session reaches the halfway point.
House bills that do not make it out of a House committee by Friday, March 29 are automatically referred back to the House Rules Committee. Under House rules, the House Rules Committee does not have the power, unlike other House committees, to refer a bill directly to the House floor.
Bills that have been reported by a House committee to the House floor on 2nd Reading are ready for further discussion and debate. “Second Reading” is the technical name for a bill that can be amended. After a lead sponsor of a House bill believes that the bill has reached its final form and no longer needs to be amended, the member may grant permission to move the bill on the House floor from Second Reading to “Third Reading,” the final stage of the bill’s progress in the House. A bill on Third Reading can be called for a final vote to determine whether or not it will be passed by the House. The status of each of the 3,824 bills in the House can be found on the legislation webpage within the overall General Assembly website.
Quickshots! In and Out of Springfield!
Carterville Penzoil Opening Day Stadium Club Breakfast Visitors from Union County 4H in the gallery 4H members from the 117th district Japanese sister city officials Sister city official selfie. IGOLD 2nd Amendment Rally Meeting another Severin at SIU – majoring in culinary arts. We must not be related!