Dear Friend,
A project that is close to my heart has begun to bear fruit, and I want to use this Super Sunday edition of Severin Says to thank the folks that approached my office to ask me to help start Pray for Springfield.
The idea is really very simple: Anyone that is interested can sign up for a day to come to Springfield to join legislators in praying for the people and the politicians of the State of Illinois. That’s it.
The response so far has been very impressive. A Facebook page called Pray for Springfield provides you the place to send a private message and establish a day for your church to come to the Capitol to join hands with me and my colleagues in prayer.
On Tuesday morning, just prior to the Session’s first official legislative day of 2020, I joined my colleagues State Reps. Patrick Windhorst, Terri Bryant, Darren Bailey, Chris Miller, Blaine Wilhour, Amy Grant, and Andrew Chesney in the Capitol Rotunda with Illinoisans from all over the State for a Stand for Faith rally. The rally was followed by a group from White Ash Free Will Baptist church heading to the House of Representatives gallery for a time of quiet prayer.
To learn more about Pray for Springfield or to schedule your church’s trip to Springfield, visit their Facebook page at this link:
2020 State of the State
Address Reaction
Press Release and Video
Reps. Severin, Bryant, and Windhorst Join Forces for State of the State Recap Interview
I was happy to join my fellow Southern Illinois legislators on Friday for a recap interview following the Governor’s State of the State Address. We talked about corruption, property taxes, and our legislative priorities for the coming session. Lots of great information in this unique 20 minute sit down with Tom Miller. Thanks Tom for having us! You can listen to the interview here:
Southern Illinois Economic Development Meeting in Springfield
SPRINGFIELD – On Tuesday afternoon, I hosted guests from Southern Illinois for a meeting on economic development opportunities for the region. We had a great discussion. The future of Southern Illinois can be much brighter if we use the tools we have for educating and training workers for the jobs of the 21st century. Illinois is a transportation hub, with rail, highway and waterways all viable ways to move products to markets across the United States.
Former Centralia Mayor Tom Ashby, Greg Sutton, and Melissa Roach made the trip to Springfield to meet with me in the capitol to discuss regional economic development opportunities.
I firmly believe one of my jobs as State Representative is to be an advocate for economic growth in Southern Illinois. I am proud to represent Williamson County, one of a small handful of counties that did not experience population loss in the last decade. The city of Marion is a shining example of what can happen to an economy when the government cuts red tape and incentivizes private investment.
Travels in the 117th and Beyond!
Herrin Chamber of Commerce celebrates 77 Years!
More Backpacks for Buddies!
Stay Connected!
My office in Marion is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. You can reach me any time by calling 618-440-5090 or contact me via my website at or by emailing
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